Saturday, March 22, 2008

Goodbye Hospital, Hello Arena!!!!

When the smoke and dust cleared, the old St. Francis Central Hospital was gone.

The building, across Centre Avenue from Mellon Arena, had survived a demolition attempt, using a technique called "controlled collapse", last month, but it couldn't withstand today's attack by explosives.

The 10-story hospital collapsed in a heap about 2:15 p.m., following the staggered detonation of about 15 series of charges placed throughout the building's skeleton.

Following the first few booms, the building stood like a sentinel for a couple of seconds, then slowly collapsed in on itself.

When the dust blew away, all that was left was a pile of rubble.

The hospital had to go to make way for Pittsburgh's new $290 million arena.

1 comment:

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I want to known why sports teams need new arenas every year... to get rid of a hospital for a new arena... that doesn't make sense... the money for the arena could have went to the hospital... oh well... onto brighter notes... we aren't going to be going to the Grand Canyon... our road trip this time in Vegas is to Oatsman, Arizona... should be interesting... though when we are in Denver we are going to (probably) be going near the north rim of the canyon... Hope you all have a great Easter and hope Jensen is going well too... take care