Today is the 30th anniversary of the Johnstown flood of 1977. I remember being downtown the evening when all the rain started and seeing the manhole covers opening from all the water. I don't remember much else until the days following the flood.
My dad took me to Moxham to check out the aftermath. I remember the National Guard standing on the corner of Grove Ave. and Ohio St. asking my dad why we are here. I don't know what he told them, but they left us through. We walked up Grove Ave. towards the fire station there and we couldn't go any further.
Later on, he took me for a ride up Bedford St. thru Walnut Grove. I will never forget the aftermath there. There were many houses destroyed and the road was ripped apart and barely undrivable.
My biggest memory of that flood was the horrible stench. I have never smelled anything like that since. It had a smell all its own. The stench was everywhere and I can still imagine the smell today if I think about it.
Since we lived on the hill and out of the city, we didn't even have any water in the basement, but we felt the devastation. We didn't have water for a while and we lost electricity briefly.
NOTE: The top picture is of Bedford Street at the Widman St. entrance ramp to 56.
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